Flash News

The Supreme Court clarifies the protection of Trademarks in criminal matters in Spain.

Once again, the President of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court, has provided insight in a ruling deemed significant, this time regarding the safeguarding of trademarks within criminal proceedings.

Counterfeits in 2023: Key Data and the Importance of Intellectual Property Protection

The Ministry of the Interior has released the statistics on anti-counterfeiting interventions for 2023. These reveal the seizure of more than 3.6 million counterfeit products, which would have had a market value of 149 million euros. As expected, the textile sector is the most affected by counterfeiting, accounting for 62%, with a total of 2,274,654

Entry into force of the AI EU Regulation

  On July 12, 2024, following extensive negotiations for its approval last March, the Regulation on Artificial Intelligence was formally published in the Official Journal of the European Union. While Regulation 2024/1689 of the European Parliament and Council, dated June 13, 2024, is scheduled to come into effect on August 1, it will be implemented

Abril Talks

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

Happy Holidays – Felices Fiestas

Felices Fiestas – Happy Holidays 2020

Juice vs Nectar

After the Barcelona’s Provincial Court sentenced Granini to cease broadcasting an advertising spot of his orange nectar, it is now the Supreme Court which has ruled on that advertising. The action brought by J. García Carrion, owner of Don Simon trademark, against Granini arises from the broadcasting of an advertising spot in which Granini advertised

Happy Holidays – Season´s Greetings

Flash News July 26, 2024The Supreme Court clarifies the protection of Trademarks in criminal matters in Spain.Once again, the President of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court, has provided insight in a ruling deemed significant, this time regarding the safeguarding of trademarks within criminal proceedings. Read MoreJuly 24, 2024Counterfeits in 2023: Key Data and

sicarm icamur

II Technical Seminars SICARM ICAMUR

On February 16, the II SICARM ICAMUR Technical Conference was held at the Illustrious Bar Association of Murcia. Jorge Oria participated as a speaker talking about “Domain names, metatags and keywords: infringement of distinctive signs and legal actions for their recovery”.

Feliz Navidad – Season´s Greetings 2016

Abril Informa July 26, 2024The Supreme Court clarifies the protection of Trademarks in criminal matters in Spain.Once again, the President of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court, has provided insight in a ruling deemed significant, this time regarding the safeguarding of trademarks within criminal proceedings. Read MoreJuly 24, 2024Counterfeits in 2023: Key Data and

abril abogados en youtube

Abril Abogados in Youtube, jotajotavm

Flash News July 26, 2024The Supreme Court clarifies the protection of Trademarks in criminal matters in Spain.Once again, the President of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court, has provided insight in a ruling deemed significant, this time regarding the safeguarding of trademarks within criminal proceedings. Read MoreJuly 24, 2024Counterfeits in 2023: Key Data and

CEDRO, new modalities of exploitation of text works

On this occasion we have the collaboration of Javier Diaz de Olarte, Head of the Legal Department of CEDRO. Javier tells us in this video about the current situation of the new modalities of exploitation of text works, the effects of the next Intellectual Property Law and CEDRO’s recommendations to try to tackle this serious

Abril Abogados with entrepreneurs

Flash News July 26, 2024The Supreme Court clarifies the protection of Trademarks in criminal matters in Spain.Once again, the President of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court, has provided insight in a ruling deemed significant, this time regarding the safeguarding of trademarks within criminal proceedings. Read MoreJuly 24, 2024Counterfeits in 2023: Key Data and

Bill of the Patent Law

Flash News July 26, 2024The Supreme Court clarifies the protection of Trademarks in criminal matters in Spain.Once again, the President of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court, has provided insight in a ruling deemed significant, this time regarding the safeguarding of trademarks within criminal proceedings. Read MoreJuly 24, 2024Counterfeits in 2023: Key Data and