Data Personal Officer (DPO)
One of the obligations imposed by the GDPR is the designation of a data protection officer for data controllers and data processors who fulfill any of the requirements provided in article 37.1 of the GDPR.
The new Law on Data Protection points out in its article 34 the entities required to appoint a data protection officer. For more information click here.
Under a client`s request, Abril Abogados will become the Data Protection Officer in mandatory cases or when companies voluntarily wish to have such a figure as a preventive advisor, perform-ing the following functions:
• Informing and advising the decision-making body of the company and the employees on their obligations under the GDPR
• Monitoring compliance with the provisions of the GDPR
• Cooperating with the supervisory authority
• Offering advice about the impact assessment and supervising its application
• Communicating the existence of a security breach regarding data protection to the Spanish Data Protection Authority
The service offered by Abril Abogados includes face-to-face and remote (phone, email) advice for consultations and technical and legal advice, based on a number of hours previously agreed with the client.