
IP Valuation

Valoración de Intangibles Industrial property rights have an unquestionable economic value and therefore they are becoming more and more powerful instruments of negotiation. We are all aware of the value of a brand or a patent but the difficulty is in determining its price.

Nowadays, the controversy is not about whether being aware of the economic value of these assets, which is beyond doubt, but how to calculate the price and method of application in the accounting systems of the organization which entails the need to have a group of professionals who can approach it from the different areas involved: legal, economic, tax, marketing, commercial, etc.

The lack of a specific policy guidance can sometimes raise doubts about the methodologies applicable, and on some principles, that should be respected by any study of this nature, regardless of the purpose.

Our firm is experienced in this type of report, having even participated as judicial experts in processes involving this kind of analysis. Given the complexity and heterogeneity of work, their conditions are set on a case-by-case basis.