

Suplantación de identidadImpersonation is known as malicious activity in which a third party pretends to be someone else. Usually the most common impersonation occurs in social networks, given the ease of creating user profiles and incorporate photographs of the legitimate owner.

Our services in this matter, always start by trying to solve the problem in the most economical and fast way possible. In this sense, the first action to be undertaken is the complaint to the social network itself, which is usually effective provided that sufficient evidence is available to remove the suppressed profile.

As a preventive measure, our clients are advised to always have their social network records that match their names or their main brands, and in case their trademarks have already been usurped by third parties, we must evaluate the Viability of the recovery of the profile since each social network has different policies to grant the recovery, in the case that it complies with the requirements demanded by these.